Okay. So with that, I just wanted to give you some. This is just the beginning. Now, when you get really deep into Karate, you really need to start understanding all the things that you can do. For example, you saw a not null example in the slide that I showed as the Hello World example, but got the whole bunch of things.
We already also got the percent of contains and you can do JSON Path expressions to only pull out values within JSON that you care about. Think of this on Path as something like a SQL for JSON. You can check for data types like number, boolean, and string. I also like always mentioning that one of the things I like about JSON is there are only three primitive data types. Boolean true or false numbers that don't have quotes around them and strings which have quotes. And I think that's honestly one of the reasons why API and Rest API are so prevalent, just because the technology behind it is so simple.
You can do regex validation. So it's a good to know. And the last two lines that I'm showing on this slide is the fact that you can actually, if you really get into the really advanced parts of Karate, you could use JavaScript functions and reuse these JavaScript functions as assertions. So all of that explained in the documentation be just scratching the surface of what Karate has to offer in terms of API testing.
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