Automatically create an AI-driven Appium script from exporting a manual session

Moving on.

We actually we have the ability to create an Appium script from a manual session and be able to export that Appium script all done by A.I.

So the Appium export, you run one manual session.

Nova has the ability to capture the entirety of that session, and after you exit that session, Nova can then generate a complete Appium script based off that session available to you in less than 5 minutes. So let's say you have your application. Maybe you had a log in flow and you tap log in. Excuse me, tap username, enter your username. You tap password. Enter your password.

You tap log in. And then exit the session because that's your one kind of test case flow. Every tap point had been captured, every text input has been captured and is now generated and a complete Appium script for you to make use of. So when you download that Appium script, you have the entirety of that session now automated from a scripted perspective. Which that just tremendously helps reduce the time it takes to create scripts from scratch.

So you can focus on more important tasks at hand. You can use that script as this maybe followed a way into your regression suite or a smoke test suite or what have you.

Or you can at least use it as a foundation. Since the UI of that flow has now been completely automated, and you can now drill a bit deeper into that script to really make use of that script however you see fit. So making some API calls or assertions, at least you have the UI automated for you. 

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